A septic system is designed to hold, filter, and drain all the waste water and solids you use in your home. The best way to keep your system in good-working condition is to avoid throwing things in it that do not belong. One item many people flush down their toilets is feminine products. While this may seem like a normal activity, it can harm your system. Here are several things you should understand about the effects of feminine products in septic systems.…
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Breaking away from a public sewer system and moving into a home that relies on its own septic system for waste elimination can seem a little intimidating if you have no experience. You will essentially be taking ownership of the task of ensuring that your household waste gets to a safe place. As a homeowner, it will be important that you know the ins and outs of taking care of pumping your tank.…
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Having your septic tank pumped as needed is perhaps one of the single most important things that you can do to prolong the life and well-being of your home’s septic system. Therefore, it is only natural to assume as a homeowner that anytime you have the septic tank pumped by a professional, it would be a good thing. However, there are actually times when having your septic tank pumped or emptied would be a bad idea, and this is something you should know.…
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