Maintaining a Safe Septic System

Tread Carefully Around Exposed Septic-Tank Raw Sewage

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A damaged, leaking, or overflowing septic tank brings with it a host of potential health hazards. The foul smell and raw sewage coming from a septic tank present more than just gross inconveniences. Exposure to the bacteria found in the raw sewage is downright dangerous. Taking steps to safeguard one’s health is critical the minute a septic tank’s contents are no longer contained. The Dangers of Untreated Sewage The untreated sewage in a septic tank can contain bacteria, parasites, and viruses.…

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4 Signs Your Septic Tank Is Failing

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Is your septic tank failing? This problem occurs due to debris caught in the tank or damaging the piping, in most cases. Catching the problem early will not only save you money but protect your property and valuables. Here are four signs that your septic tank is failing. 1. The Smell or Sight of Sewage Have a look at your toilets or drains. Do you see or smell sewage? You will usually see black liquid if it is a problem, and often smell it first.…

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How Can I Monitor My Septic Tank?

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A septic tank service should come out to your home on a regular basis to check for issues and to potentially empty your tank. But there are also things that you can do in the interim to make sure that the tank is working properly. Take Steps for Safety Before discussing ways to monitor your tank, it’s important to know what not to do. For instance, you should never lean over the tank or stick your head inside to see the conditions.…

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