Maintaining a Safe Septic System

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Regulate Your Pumping Schedule — Issues That May Necessitate The Use Of An Above Ground System

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A high water table or inadequate soil conditions may require frequent septic pumping processes. Identify some problems that could affect how often you need to hire a septic professional. Then, learn how an above-ground system will regulate the pumping schedule that you follow.

The Underground System

An underground system contains multiple chambers that separate scum and sludge from the effluent. Effluent is filtered from the holding tank where solids have accumulated. Gravity pulls the effluent through the drain field. The microorganisms in the soil filter the effluent. The liquid waste is added to the natural water table that is located underground.

An underground system that operates efficiently will require standard pump-outs. The frequency at which a system needs to be pumped will be dependent upon the amount of sewage and liquid waste that is generated. The size of the holding tank will also be a factor in how often the tank needs to be pumped.

A High Water Table

A high water table could lead to effluent pooling on the ground. It could also lead to the tank becoming filled prematurely. If the water table is within close proximity to the layers that make up the drain field, property owners could find themselves needing to have their septic system pumped out more frequently than they anticipated.

Pooling effluent could pose a threat to the health of anyone who occupies the property. If the effluent isn't filtered in a normal manner, the bacteria within the liquid could contaminate fresh water and dry land. 

Inadequate Soil Conditions

Clay-like soil or rocky soil may prevent wastewater from filtering through at a normal rate. As a result, the effluent may sit at ground level for a long duration. This could lead to a septic system failing. Inadequate soil conditions could necessitate frequent septic pump outs.

An Above-Ground System

An above-ground system is designed to mimic an underground system.

A manmade mound is added to the property. The mound is made up of soil, sand, and gravel. The septic tank and septic chamber are installed within the mound. The mound adds distance between the water table and the septic system. The mound is made up of materials that will effectively filter wastewater.

Gravity and a pump are used to drain water from the septic system. An above-ground system will need to be serviced occasionally. A service plan includes scheduled inspections and standard pump-out processes that are conducted by a licensed technician.

For more info about septic pumping, contact a local company. 
